A schedule, loosely held

What master mappers are we?
To set guideposts
Like torches
highlighting a path for a staff’s
Near future.

Laying a grid on a blank screen
Filtering D’s and E’s, big and small
Asterisk, black and red (What is now night and day?)
Keep Exposure separate from LTC, (PHCC, etc.)
And sharing our own TLC.

To try to broaden our view
from the two dimensions of time past and future
Tracking these two worlds simultaneously
And here we are in the present
With all the spheres of life
Sick days, part‐time, personal
Pre‐approved vacation

Overtime, secondment, distribution lists
Request, request, request, request, request
request, request, request, request, request
Request Thank you, thanks (perhaps too few)
for the map, the schedule
describing + prescribing the firmness of our hope
for a future that can never, actually, be held.

Jessica Kwik